Friday, December 31, 2010

My Apple

I ate this apple while i was writing my blog "Sweet Little Girl and Gorgeous Daddy"

Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower

Sweet Little Girl and Gorgeous Daddy


Tonight I meet sweet little girl and her daddy walk away across my steps in mini market. This little girl looked so happy and exited. She took some snacks from the shelf. I watched this little girl and smile "how happy this little girl". Then in cashier I saw her daddy took money out from his pocket, just 5 sheets money which is only RP. 50.000. When I saw her daddy gave the money to cashier guy I know that he only has 5 sheets and I was thinking that "This daddy only want to make his daughter happy in New Year night".

In cashier actually I want gave some snacks to this little girl but something problem in cashier machine so I could not paid my bill and finally that little girl and her daddy walk away from the mini market.

After I paid my bill, I tried to find that little girl and want to give some snacks to her. But I could not found her. And I felt so regret, I wish I could gave some snacks to that little girl. Till I arrived at home I was still thinking that little girl. I hope some day I will meet her.

Actually this little girl remains me of my childhood.

Kiss and Hug

Lazy Flower

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Confuse Mode On


I am back today.
Now i am in office, really cold here even i wear tick jacket to cover my body.
Well i would like to say Happy New Year 2011 for all of you. I made this phrase 3 weeks ago for my company since i work as copy writer in one of well known company in Indonesia. Read this guys....:D

" A piece of cake can make you hungry
A glass of beer can make you warm
And simple of hug makes you feel better
Hope this simple of Merry Christmas & Happy New Year will make you smile and happy"

So what do you think guys? quite Ok or not Ok. Yeah...happy new year guys....enjoy your new year.....

Now, i want to share what i feel right now.
A month ago i got message from Ms. Nancy from UK. She text me message explaining her job offer for me in UK. Then i replay her mail and asked couples of question about the job and so on. I thought she is just fake person but she replayed my mail with good respond and good manner. She explain me all about the offer and the job. And continuously i asked her question, question and question till i get clear explanation.

Time goes by and last night i read her message again. She sent me message 2 times. First message, she asked my confirmation for the job offer, do i agree for her offer or not? yeah... something like that. And the second one, she sent me message with the same explanation. Actually i am really sorry for her cos i didn't replay her message since i don't have enough time to open my inbox since 6 days.

But last night i replayed her message and directly she replayed my back. Well actually i am tittle bit afraid for this offer since i have to move to UK if i except this offer. I don't have no body there. All my family are here and i don't have any friend too in UK. Actually i have one. I meet him on FB, he already be my friend in FB since 8 months ago and he is nice friend. I wish some day if i move to UK i will meet him, at least i have a friend there.

Back to job offer. Finally i said yes for the offer. I don't know what i was thinking about last night till i said yes. But i hope everything is gonna be OK and this is the best offer ever for my career path.

Now i am waiting her message for the next instruction. Once again i pray to Allah "just show me the best way". That's what i ask for. Ms. Nancy will take care all the things including my visa and where i will stay in UK.

Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bad Mood


So bad...he makes me angry today....
it was started when he text me message last night on yahoo messenger. He asked me couple of questions to me and without doubt i answered all his questions. But he made me really mad cos he never answered what i have asked to him, even only simple a question.

It happened several times, so that's why it makes me really angry.
Directly i said to him " Fine....i will never ask you a question any more, and never..."
But today he called me on my phone, i said "yes...with angry tone"
And he replayed me with angry tone also, so ....done.
Nothing i can do for him and this situation.
So, hope he will never call me again and i can control my self not to call him.


Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower

Monday, December 6, 2010

7 December 2010


What a bad day, i got flu-feels so unfeeling well.
I think its because rainy day last night. I went home after working and it was raining, but I was forced to go home on rainy days, so i got flu today.

Fortunately today is my holiday, so i can sleep all day long. Hope tomorrow will be better so i can have a good perform.

Kiss and hug
Lazy Flower

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

No Idea


Kali ini pengen nulis apa ya? no idea....

ngitung gak jelas....:D

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I am Back


I am Back....i miss you my blog....
Akhirnya ketemu juga alamt email yang selama ini gw cari2.
Hampi sekitar seminggu gw mencari alamat email untuk blog yang gw rahasiakan ini dan akhirnya gw udah ngedapetin .... wah seneng banget.

Awal cerita, gw mau daftar di salah satu situs free web directory buat SEO, pas mau sign up diminta alamt email dan ternyata alamat email blog ini muncul pas gw mau ngetik emailnya, sungguh tak terduga....ah thank God akhirnya gw bisa update lagi...

For tonight, ini dulu aja dah untuk update nya, dlanjut besok lagi kl gak banyak kerjaan....

Kesimpulannya : gw happy banget "myindonesianstory is back" ha.....

Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Letter to God

If I say "Letter to God" what is in your mind guys?
Letter to God is a movie I watched yesterday, touching and inspiring movie. Actually this is story about 8 years old boy struggling for his cancer.

He writes a lot of letters addressed to God, he writes his pain, his illness, his mom, his friends-all what he is feeling. What I am amazed is he is wonderful young boy, softhearted, kind, and lovely boy. Even, he is suffering but he still can smile to all people and kind to them.

Actually this movie, remember me to a young boy which I saw in Operah Winfrey Show. I don’t know his real name but he has the same story with this movie. I cried when I saw this boy in Opera Winfrey Show, man… he is just a little boy but what he thought and he felt just like a maestro, he is gorgeous boy.

He valued all the things he has, his time to live, his family to love him, even his illness. Yeah…in a few months later, Operah showed his funeral in her show. Actually I know he would not survive, but at least he inspired all people a round the globe including me to value what we have.

Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower

Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 H

Dear All,

Sudah lama rasanya enggak nulis sesuatu diblog ini, berawal dari checking2 semua blog gw, gw baru inget blog yang tersembunyi ini udah lama gak di-Update. Berhubung bentar lagi mau lebaran, so i decided to make a note about LEBARAN day.

Gak sabar rasanya mau cepet2 pulang kekampung halaman. Rasanya udah kangen banget ama rumah, bonyok, bro and sist, kucing2 gw, pokoknya semuanya termasuk environment disana. Hari ini nyokap baru aja telp gw " kapan pulangnya? cepet2 lah pulang tolongin mami di salon". Kebetulan mami punya beauty shop yang kalau mendekati lebaran pasti rame banget, so she needs me there to help her. But i can't go home now, secara gw baru dapet libur tanggal 9, malangnya nasib ku...

Gw punya friend di kantor yang baik banget, dari awal gw masuk jadi member Jobsdb, dia sudah memperlakukan gw dengan baik banget. Kebetulan gw ama dia satu kampung halaman, so she offers me to back home with her and her kids. Gw seneng banget waktu dia bilang "bareng gw aja pulangnya", gw gak mau nolak rezeki i said "with my pleasure". Jadi deh kita mudik bareng.

Harapan gw sih bisa pulang dengan selamat, gak ada rintangan yang berarti diperjalanan nantinya. wish me luck guys......

Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Shocking Bad Time Story

Last nite, at 00.07 i called someone. He is mysterious person, i think. In my point of view he is interesting guy, little bit freak (but i love freak person), and nice person, even he said that he has bad experience with his past, i don't know whether he was lied or say the true? but i hope he said a lie.

Actually, your past is your past and my past is my past. I don't really care with ur past, i meant not really care but quite care he...(confuse mode on). perhaps if u are somebody else and i am not interested with u i will pretend dont care with ur past and i will not really think about it. But because i do really care with u dude... so i care with ur past.

What if ur past is true, I really hope you will regardless of your past and try to become a person who is far better.

Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower

Friday, June 18, 2010

Counting The minutes

30 munites more...cant wait to get out from here.
Sad saturday, today all friends of mine enjoy their holiday, hangout, go to beauty shop, some still in their bed, and other chilling2, while I'm trapped inside this building, cold, hungry ... so complete.

Today i have meeting with my new social organization called MB-Gen (Melangkah Bagi Generasi), we'll talk about events that will be held in this years for purpose charity. After finish my work here, i will directly go to Sarinah- the place where the meeting will be on.

Today i will be go there alone cos this morning my friend has meeting with radio station, so walking by my self today...hope i will not be late today he....


Just got SMS, the meeting is canceled, well have to change my schedule for today.........

Job , Jobs , Career

Ketertarikan Ku Terhadap Emo Fashion

Sudah beberapa hari ini gw mencari - cari informasi tentang EmoFashion, Emo Hairstyle, Emo cutting and so on, sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan Emo. Gw dapat dari berbagai sumber termasuk Wikipedia, blogs yang membahas tentang Emo and masih banyak lagi.

Dari gambarnya saja gw sudah mulai tertarik dengan fashion Emo ini, menurut gw Emo atau orang- orang Emo merupakan pelengkap dari dunia yang belum lengkap ini. Sebelum itu gw ingin membahas Apa itu Emo.

Apa itu emo
Istilah "Emo" digunakan sebagai counterculture, hal ini merupakan singkatan dari kata "emosional". Emo itu tidak hanya menentukan sikap, tetapi juga Fashion yang datang dari emocore (musik emo). Emocore adalah kombinasi antara hardcore dan musik punk yang sangat populer di Washington DC di 80-an. Budaya emo terus berkembang antara '90 dan '00, dan mencapai puncak popularitasnya pada saat ini.

Emo Kids
Istilah untuk remaja yang mendengarkan lagu – lagu Emocore adalah anak-anak emo. Masyarakat berpikir tentang mereka sebagai kegagalan, mereka tidak cukup kuat untuk menyembunyikan emosi mereka, mereka sensitif, pemalu, tertutup, dan sering menyendiri. Biasanya, anak-anak Emo ingin menyampaikan perasaan mereka melalui tulisan dalam bentuk puisi tentang masalah mereka dimana mereka sedang depresi, kebingungan, dan kemarahan; semua itu mereka lakukan karena dunia tidak dapat untuk memahami mereka. puisi Emo menggunakan berbagai kombinasi dari: nada sangat emosional, tulisan yang sederhana bahkan sampai tidak ada skema sajakya. Symbol jantung digunakan sebagai expresi yang dalam dan gelap atau depresi, dan kekhawatiran terhadap mutabilitas waktu, cinta atau keduanya. Pada umumnya tema kehidupan mereka digambarkan dalam hal yang pahit, penolakan, depresi, sepertinya dunia tidak menerima mereka sebagai salah satu pelengkap dari dunia ini. Istilah 'emo' itu sendiri digunakan saat ini sebagai penghinaan. ditujukan untuk seseorang yang "terlalu emosional '.

Anak - anak emo pun biasanya menulis puisi tentang perasan mereka ketimbang mengungkapkannya, contoh tema dari puisi - puisi mereka seperti kesendirian, kurangnya pengertian dari orang tua mereka, kematian dan sebagainya
Contoh :
"It's fun to play with guns and knives, And be there just to risk my life, To put just myself in danger, With a lethal unfamiliar stranger. I couldn't care less, With the way I dress, Or the way I look, But I do with my life that you took. You say my head is wrong, And that my heart is badly torn, You don't know how wrong you are, I just want to go so far. Just so far away from them, And always be able to defend, Myself so that I don't get beated, So badly and so differently treated." - Guns and Knives

Bagaimana untuk melihat emo
Banyak remaja ingin 'terlihat emo' dan memiliki rambut emo dan semua hal yang behubungan dengan semua itu. Disini saya memberikan contoh gambar – gambar emo yang saya dapat dari berbagai sumber.

For Emo pictures check it here

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My Prayer

In 15 June was my bday, it is my new life man…I am 24 now, long journey, I have been living in this planet 24 years but I have done nothing in this planet that's what make me feel so regret for everything. So that’s why in this year I have to do something in my life what ever it is just do the best thing.

Just now I done my prayer, Muslim calls it as Sholat Isa, I don’t know what happened with me today I felt so messy and weak, why I call it “weak” cos I done something that I really hate much – I was crying when I did my prayer, you know what??? I cried when I remembered my dad’s face in my prayer, the face which I saw 4 months ago. I saw his face and body looks like he is tired, sick, and unhappy.

The last time, when I saw him, he was ok, looked good, health and young, but that day I saw him so unhappy. Felt wanna asked “Dady what happened? Are you ok? Tell me Dad? ” but these words could not came out from my mouth, I just saw him from my side. He was watching something unimportant and just keep silent, no words to be said and suddenly he said “ take care yourself there, don’t forget to ate, and the most important don’t forget to pray cos God will help and protect you there when you are in bad condition”

I said “yes Dady, I’ll” I didn’t have courage to say something, I just looked at my Dad from my side and I knew the answer why he looked like that. He didn’t want me to leave this town, he wanted me to stay with him so that he can make sure that I am ok all the time, but I am too selfish, I just think what I want and ignore my Dad’s feeling.

“Dady I just want you to know that I love so much….you are the most gorgeous Dady EVER, and I am proud to be your daughter, if there is next life I want you to be my Dady again, I don’t want to exchange you with Tom Cruise, Brad Pit, Prince Charles or somebody else, I just want you. The time will come Dad …. I promise”

Kiss and Hug
Your Daughter MJ

Monday, June 14, 2010

10 World's Biggest and Most Amazing Holes

Chuquicamata is an open pit copper mine in Chile. It is the mine with the largest total production of copper in the world - though it is not the largest copper mine. The mine is over 850 meters deep.

Udachnaya Pipe, Russia

The Udachnaya Pipe is a diamond mine in Russia. The owners of the mine plan to cease its operations in 2010 - in favor of underground mining. The mine was discovered in 1955 and is over 600 meters deep.

Sink hole, Guatemala

In 2007, a 300 foot deep sinkhole swallowed a dozen homes in Guatemala - killing 2 and causing thousands to be evacuated. The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewage flow.

Diavik Mine, Canada

The Diavik Mine is a mine in the Northwest territories of Canada. The mine (opened in 2003) produces 8 million carats or about 1,600 kg (3,500 lb) of diamonds every year.

Mirny Diamond Mine, Siberia

The Mirny Diamond Mine is 525m deep and has a diameter of 1200m. It was the first, and one of the largest, diamond Pipes in the USSR. It is now abandoned. While it was still operational, it would take two hours for trucks to drive from the top to the bottom of the mine.

Great Blue Hole, Belize

The Great Blue Hole is an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize. The hole is 1,000 feet across and 400 feet deep. It was formed as a limestone cave during the last iceage.

Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah

The Bingham Canyon Mine is a copper mine in the Oquirrh mountains, Utah. The mine is 0.75 mile (1.2 km) deep, 2.5 miles (4 km) wide. It is the world’s largest manmade excavation.

Monticello Dam, California

The Monticello Dam is a dam in Napa County, California, United States most noted for its large circular spillway with a rate of 48,400 cubic feet per second.

Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa

The Kimberley Diamond Mine (also known as the Big Hole) holds the (disputed) title of being the largest hand-dug hole in the world. From 1866 to 1914 50,000 miners dug the hole with picks and shovels, yielding 2,722 kg of diamonds. Attempts are being made to have it registered as a world heritage site.

Darvaza Gas Crater, Turkmenistan

In 1971, geologists discovered a massive underground deposit of natural gas on this site. Whilst excavating the hole to tap the gas, the drilling rig collapsed leaving a massive hole. To prevent poisonous gasses from escaping, the hole was allowed to burn. It continues to burn to this day and has done so without ceasing.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jalan Kuno Jerusalem Berusia 1.500 Tahun Ditemukan

Badan arkeologi Israel, Rabu (10/2/2010), menemukan sebuah jalan di kota Jerusalem Lama, yang menjadi pusat urat nadi perekonomian dan perdagangan sekitar 1.500 tahun yang lalu.

Jalan tua ini ditemukan ketika para pekerja dari infrastruktur kota melakukan penggalian di sisi dalam Gerbang Jaffa, sebelah barat kota.

Di sini ditemukan sebuah batuan besar yang posisinya berada di bawah jalan yang saat ini dikenal dengan nama Jalan Daud. Demikian dilaporkan Badan Otoritas Kepurbakalaan Israel atau Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA).

"Hari ini kami telah mengeluarkan sejumlah artefak arkeologi pada kedalaman 4,5 meter di bawah permukaan jalan. Banyak temuan yang membuat kami gembira. Kami menemukan lembaran lantai besar yang kemungkinan adalah sebuah jalan pada masa lalu," kata Ofer Sion, Direktur Penggalian Otoritas Kepurbakalaan Israel.

Menurut IAA, sejumlah artefak kuno juga ditemukan di situs penggalian tersebut.

"Ini kemungkinan sebuah jalan besar yang merupakan jalur sibuk atau jalan urat nadi utama ketika Jerusalem menjadi kota Kristen. Ini luar biasa. Jalan Daud ternyata menyimpan begitu banyak cerita, begitu banyak perjalan kehidupan manusia yang menarik, yang melewati jalan yang dibangun sekitar 1.500 tahun lalu ini," kata Sion.

Artefak kuno ini digali sesuai peta mosaik kuno. Peta tersebut ditemukan di sebuah gereja Jordania yang saat ini dikenal sebagai Peta Madaba. Peta tersebut menggambarkan tanah suci pada masa Bizantium.

Menurut IAA, dalam peta tua tersebut digambarkan, "Untuk masuk ke kota suci Jerusalem dari sisi barat harus melalui pintu yang sangat besar, yang mengarah ke satu jalan pusat kota yang sangat ramai."

Artefak kuno lain yang juga ditemukan dalam penggalian ini adalah koin dan tembikar kapal. Ada pula lima perunggu kecil persegi yang kemungkinan digunakan pedagang sebagai pemberat untuk menimbang logam mulia kuno.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

He is not what like i thought

Orang bijak mengatakan bahwa "Dont judge the book from its cover". kita tidak bisa men-judge seseorang hanya dari luarnya saja. Belum tentu apa yang terlihat diluar sama dengan apa yang terlihat didalam. Satu pelajaran berharga dalam hidup gw.

Gw pikir dia adalah seorang anak yang bandel, bengal, brutal and tidak mempunya tujuan hidup yang berarti. Dan gw sangat bersyukur ternyata anggapan gw selama ini salah terhadap dia. Suatu kesalahan yang gw lakukan 3 tahun yang lalu.

Karena melihat update status terbarunya di Facabook, tidak tau mengapa tiba - tiba terfikir untuk mengunjungin profilnya. Dengan status - statusnya yang konyol, lucu, jenaka, dan emotional, gw berfikir ternyata dia adalah seorang yang complicated and unique.
Dibalik note-nya yang ada di FB, gw melihat dan membaca suatu curahan hati yang sangat dalam, and it's make me cry when i read this.

"kmarin malam..wjahmu msh seperti sminggu sblumnya..mtamu trpjam,dahimu berkerut..dadamu bergerak perlahan..cukup lama kau tk beranjak..mlam inipun dmikian.msh sprti 2hri yg lalu.,msh tersisa Lemah twamu,msh terasa kuat tatapan mu.,sungguh itulah yg kn ku ingat kelak..saat tkdir kan memanggl slah 1 dr kita lbh dulu..wktu tlh ckup lma berlalu..dn hr ini aku melihat 1/1kekuatanmu mulai terkikis,,aku tk hrus menyebutkn smuanya..mataku hmpir menangis, tp htiku tk skuat mataku,,sudah brulangkali aku menyaksikannya,mendengar btapa tk ingin kau bgi smua itu..sebuah drita yg tk mungkin n ingin kau bagi..aku pun tk ingin membagi diamku padamu.,ALLAHUAKBAR,.dgn keadaanmu sprt saat ini.,kau brsikeras tk tetap tbah dalam sujudmu..walau kaki2mu tk dpt diluruskan lg,sungguh htiku menangis..,walau doa2 yg tk kudengar blm terjawab smua..namun aku tau itu untuk Ku,dia,dia dan mereka..krn doa adalah kekuatan trakhirmu,,yg kni tlh mampu menyentuh angkuh hatiku..saat ku ingat kembali harapanmu dalam tatap mu..sungguh"

Quote diatas merupakan curahan hatinya, hati yang sedang terluka dan berlimpah kesedihan. Ternyata sang ayah sedang dilanda sakit. walaupun tulisanya sedikit Alay... tetapi maknanya sungguh menyentuh hati gw dan kembali berfikir "he is not bad, he loves his dady like i love my dady" seharusnya dulu gw tidak terlalu cepat menyimpulkan sosok seorang dia.

Gw pun tidak menyesali mengapa hubungan kami hanya sebatas teman sampai saat ini, yang gw sesalkan hanya anggapan gw terhadapnya yang terlalu merendahkanya, menganggapnya sebagai salah satu penghuni dunia yang tidak berguna. Dan gw sangat menyesali itu.

Ingin sekali rasanya meminta maaf tetapi ego ini terlalu berat untuk dikalahkan. Gw hanya bisa mencurahkannya dalam blog ini "Gw minta maaf banget atas apa yang gw pikirkan terhadap lo 3 tahun yang lalu, ternyata lo lebih baik dari pada gw, dan gw sangat malu terhadap diri gw sendiri". Gw hanya bisa berharap semoga Ayah handa tercinta mendapatkan yang terbaik.

Semoga Dikau mendapatkan yang terbaik juga dalam hidup....

Salam Sukses,
Lazy Flower

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


A beautiful and blinding morning
The world outside begins to breathe
See clouds arriving without warning
I need you here to shelter me

And I know that only time will tell us how
To carry on without each other

So keep me awake to memorize you
Give me more time to feel this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today

If I could make these moments endless
If I could stop the winds of change
If we just keep our eyes wide open
Then everything would stay the same

And I know that only time will tell me how
We'll carry on without each other

So keep me awake for every moment
Give us more time to be this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today

We'll let tomorrow wait, you're here, right now, with me
All my fears just fall away, when you are all I see

We can't stay like this forever
But I have you here today

And I will remember
Oh I will remember
Remember all the love we shared today


15 June, just count the day….

In June 15, my age will be 24, long journey huh…? Long journey for a girl like me. Remember my past when I was celebrated my 23 of bday, I was planed to be different person, to be better person and to be more adult person. Well I think I am quite success, I have been changing many things but not everything.

I am quite happy with the result I have achieved, I think there are a lot of improvements on me for examples I become more serious person, become more responsible person, and have strong spirit to get what I want. And that’s the good thing.

My friends said to me that she saw something different on me, good thing of course and they felt like “she is not MJ”, they thought something wrong with me and I said to them that I have changed now, to be different person so don’t worry guys.

What I want in my 24 of bday, of course to be better person than when I was 23 years. I have decided it and see what will happened next. i had planed everything, everything had been in my mind now. Cant wait …..

I do really interested with my friend’s offer, she offered me to joint in one of social organization to help people, I will not let this chance go away. You know what, since I was a kid, I really want to be a volunteer and help other people, and I think this is my chance.
Well, I think this is one of way to be a better person, when I saw Opera's show, I was really amazed for what she did for human being and for the world, and I said to my self “someday I will be like her, I will do like what she did”. She is my biggest inspiration in my life outside my parent and my family.

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”


Rabu, Juni 02, 2010

Hari rabo dengan kegiatan yang seperti bisa, kerja dan kerja mencari uang untuk sesuap nasi. Memang bukan hal yang mudah untuk mendapatkan uang dengan hasil keringat sendiri, baru ini gw menyadari kalau mencari uang itu sangat sulit. waktu masih kecil dulu taunya hanya meminta uang dan kalau tidak diberi teriak teriak gak jelas.

Hari ini gw meeting dengan orang Singapore, owner dari 88DB, salah satu perusahan periklanan yang ada di Jakarta. Meeting hari ini membicarakan tentang SEO, bagaimana caranya website yang kita miliki dapat di scroll oleh google dan bisa berada di page pertama dihalaman google ketika mencoba mencari key word nya.

Actually, susah juga menangkap point yang dibicarakan oleh Mr. Adrian tentang SEO or back link karena accent yang beliau gunakan cukup sulit ditangkap, al hasil tidak terlalu mendapatkan point yang dimaksud, tapi pada intinya sudah mengerti kok.

Setiap hari pekerjaan makin sulit saja, dengan kegiatan yang sama setiap hari kadang - kadang membuat gw merasa bosan, pengen banget rasanya break sesaat menghilangkan rasa kejenuhan, tapi mana mungkin lah....its impossible thing.

Sekarang ini sebenernya lagi gak enak body, alias kecapean dan badan terasa sangat tengang. pengen bisa relaxsasi sih, tapi belum sempet nemuin waktunya aja. ya hope everything will be fine lah....and hope tomorrow will be better than today....amien....

Salam Sukses
Lazy Flower

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Robin Hood

Siapa sih yang gak kenal legenda dari inggris “Robin Hood”? gw rasa bagi pecinta cerita – cerita legenda and film pasti sudah tau tentang Robin Hood, nah itu dia yang bakal gw bahas kali ini, tapi sebelum itu gw mau certain gimana gw bisa baca novelnya + nonton movienya di Grand Indonesia lagi…mantap…..

Awal cerita, gw punya temen kita sebut saja namanya Mawar (bukan nama sebenarnya) doi ditawarin ama temenya untuk ikutan lomba nulis tulisan di blog yang temanya ada hubungannya dengan salah satu provider telekomunikasi Indonesia, mungkin masyarakat setempat akan lebih kenal dengan nama TELKOMSEL. Emang sih menurut gw cerita2 yang ada diblognya bagus, jadi singkat cerita sobat……dia memenangkan perlombaan itu sebagai juara ke 3. sebagai hadiahnya doi dapet tiket ke Singapore pulang pergi + biaya2 laenya selama di Singapore keren banget gak tuh………………

Karena dipikir temen gw itu boongan (doi kagak percaya ama CS yang telp dia ngabarin kalo dia menang lomba) doi bilang “ Mbak bisa gak dituker ama tiket yang ke Bali aja soalnya saya gak punya passport”. Keesokan harinya CS itu telp lagi “Mbak saya sudah dapet rukeran tiketnya, mbak bisa ke Bali” emang temen gw bego banget ya “tiket apan mbak?” ternyata sobat doi belum percaya kalo doi menang dalam perlombaan itu. Singkat cerita doi gagal ke Singapore sebagai penggantinya dia dapet tiket ke Bali + 2novel & tiket nonton film Robin Hood.
Nah... begitu sobat cerita gimana gw bisa baca novel nya and nonton movie nya. Okeh…sekarang kita bahas cerita si abang Robin Hood. Sebenernya gw gak terlalu mengidolakan si abang Robin tapi karena gw udah dapet novel and tiket nonton gratis mubazir aja kalo disia – siain.

Analisa movie Robin Hood
Menurut gw cerita Robin Hood gak ada bedanya dengan cerita – cerita kolosal yang bertemakan heroic lainya, intinya sama. Tapi yang bikin gw mengacungkan kedua jempol gw, gambarnya sobat…..keren banget. Penggambaran setting dalam cerita bagus banget précis kaya setting tahun kejadian. Kalo gw kasih nilai bisa 8 dah. Ternyata gw gak sia2 nonton nih movie cos ada pesan moral yang gw dapet after watching this movie “jangan pernah menyerah terhadap sesuatu yang lo sangat ingin kan ( terus mencoba sampai anak domba menjadi anak singa)”. Gw cukup puas dengan dengan filmnya and thanks to my friend Deboy yang udah ngajak gw nonton ama kasih novelnya.
Untuk pemeran utama si abang Russell Crowe, cocok banget dia memerankan character yang seperti itu. Hampir semua filmnya gw suka mulai dari Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, American Gangster and so on. Apalagi yang di Gladiator terlihat banget totalitasnya dia….mantep dam abang Russell Crowe. Pokoknya gw tunggu aja dah untuk movie dia berikutnya…..CAYO….BANG….


Monday, May 17, 2010

Unforgettable one

Unforgettable one

Well….i am in home now and I am really glad cos I still having my room ( soooo dirty …) no one who take care my room. Mom said sometimes my grandma sleep there and sometimes no one sleep there but I am glad cos I can feel my own room again after I leave it.

Looking my old stuff really makes me miss my past, I look back my old painting and I find the unforgettable one. This painting is really touching me deeply.

Well…I got this inspiration from terrible disaster that happened in Banda Aceh “Tsunami” in 2005. This disaster was not only hurt all victims but me too. When I read news paper I saw the picture it made me cry inside.

“An old woman was crying when she found the last of her member family, her grandson. She was really sad when she knew that all her member families already gone and thankful to God that she still has family even just one….the only one her grandson.” So I decided it to make it on my canvas (blah….blah……blah……@#$%^&*! WALLAAA….DONE….my new work).

Sometimes when I see this panting i can still feel the emotion, really sad huh…?.... I can’t imagine if I lost all my family, no dad, no mom, no bro, no sist ….don’t know what will happened to me….

I think we must thankful to our God for what we have got now. My friend said that “sometimes I feel lucky than others cos I have eyes to see, have ears to hear, have nose to smelt something and have both hands to touch his girl friends ( he has a lot of girl friends so that’s why I use girl friends ) which is named Sadia, Sonia, Amna and others ….ha…ha…yeah.” and so do I, I feel so lucky I have my family and my cats ( my cats are so sweet, but one of them (Nandong) already gone --- sometimes I miss him he…)

I know that this painting still has so many weaknesses but in my point of view the work that can be called as success work is the work that can touch lover’s feeling and say “ I can feel it…”At least this painting has a lover that can touch her feeling and that’s ME…he….he….

bye everyone....

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Step

Deciding leaving the house, the house where I grew up and do everything it felt so hard. This is the first time I left home, leaving everything I've got, my room, all my stuffs, my family, and all my friends. I hope what has been decided will not disappoint in the end.

I am very excited for what I have decided, I think this is my new life and this is the beginning of everything. I sacrificed everything, everything I have in home for my idealism, of course, by trying to reach my goals - goals that I envisioned.

At first, it feels heavy where I found the new atmosphere, new environment, and new people. Doing my first job with unconducive environment, I feel so messy in this environment, competition is not healthy for me, and finally I decided to leave this place where I got my first job.

In the first night I could not sleep, my mind is always drawn to my family and you know what it’s really hard for me. I feel like giving up on this condition, and thinking will come home and gather with the family. But, a voice whispers to me "only this? Only this that what you get MJ? " this whisper makes me to think again and in a moment forget about the desire to return home. "I must survive in this town " I said.

Survive in this city, and hope to have a way out for all existing problems. Turns out, there was a positive thing that I can take away from this situation, maybe when I lived with my parents, they can fulfill my needs, make my acting childish - immature and irresponsible, but once I choose to live more independent, the family parted with, made me more mature and responsible, at least to myself, and more amazing thing I get closer to the Almighty.

It occurred in my mind to contact an old friend who is not related since graduating school. I sent SMS, with inspirit tunes and asked about her condition. How nice to receive a sms reply, we went up to do as a good friend.

Communication was continued until she offered a job for me. Indeed, if we run our life with RESIGNATION then there must be a solution for every problem. And I have found it through my friend.

Salam Sukses,
Lazy Flower


Kali ini gw mau ngebahas masalah yang dari dulu ampe sekarang gak ter - cover oleh dunia, yaitu masalah kelaparan yang dihadapi saudara - saudara kita dibelahan dunia Afrika. kemarin gw dapet email dari temen kantor lama yang meng-explore cerita yang sangat emotional dan sangat menyedihkan, gak nyangka ternyata dibelahan dunia lain ada ha yang sangat tragis seperti itu. dengan melihat dan membaca cerita ini gw sangat bersyukur apa yang udah gw dapet sekarang ini, sangat bersyukur.
Sebelum gw cerita panjang lebar, gw mau menjelaskan seorang photographer yang telah mengangkat cerita ini kedunia international. Namanya Kevin Charter, ia meraih Pulitzer 1994 itu karena fotonya yang ia dapat didaerah kelaparan dan kekeringan (Sudan), setelah 3 bulan pengambilan gambar tersebut Kevin Charer bunuh diri karena depresi.
Terang aja dia bunuh diri Karena dia gak tahan dengan penderitaan yang menimpa saudara – saudara kita yang ada di Sudan.

Gw sebagai masyarakat awam yang gak ngerti apa2 ngerasa tersentuh banget waktu ngeliat itu foto, sumpah perasaan gw tersayat2 (serius beneran…gak boong) gw ngerasa menjadi orang yang sangat beruntung karena gw dilahirkan di Indonesia, dengan letak geografis yang strategis dan diberikan karunia alam yang sangat berlimpah, tidak seperti saudara – saudara gw yang ada di Sudan. Yang jadi pertanyaan gw itu, pemerintah setempat ngapain aja ya?????? Ampe umatnya mati karena kelaparan gak ada tindak lanjut dari mereka.

Gw sangat bersyukur karena ada seorang photographer seperti Keven Charter yang mau jauh – jauh terjun kedaerah kering krontang seperti Sudan untuk mengambil potret kehidupan masyarakat setempat, dan gw rasa gambar yang dia ambil menjelaskan dengan sangat jelas gimana kehidupan disana walaupun Kevin sendiri tidak menceritakan secara gamblang, tapi beberapa foto menceritakan semuanya.

Gw harap ada beberapa orang lagi seperti Kevin Charter yang bisa melakukan hal yang sama, membuka mata dunia supaya dunia tau apa yang sedang terjadi dibelahan dunia lain, supaya mereka dari kalangan jet set lebih peduli dengan nasib saudara – saudaranya dan menyumbangkan sedikit uang mereka.

Salah satu jet set yang gw tau yang sangat peduli dengan kehidupan di Afrika adalah Opera Winfrey (she is my favorite), suka banget gw dengan acaranya dia “The Opera Winfrey Show”.

Menurut gw acaranya dia sangat berbobot dan gak ada duanya. Gw suka banget apa yang dia lakuin buat anak – anak Afrika, seharausnya dia dapet penghargaan dari dunia international atas dedikasinya terhadap anak – anak Arfrika. Pengen banget suatu hari nanti gw bisa kaya Opera Winfrey, bisa melakukan hal yang berguna untuk dunia, tapi gw rasa itu masih jauh dari jangkawan tangan, even untuk keluarga aja gw belum bisa melalukan hal yang bisa ngebanggain keluarga, but i promise I’ll get that point.

Kesimpulan dari cerita gw ini, syukurilah apa yang udah kita dapat, yang udah kita punya, gak semua orang seberuntung kita, kita bisa bercermin dari foto – foto Kevin Charter. Dan hal yang menurut gw penting juga jika kalian udah mendapatkan sesuatu yang lebih, share lah kepada mereka yang butuh……gw harap sobat – sobat blogger dapet inti dari cerita ini. Akhir kata ………..caw…caw….tha…tha…bye…bye….

Salam Sukses

Lazy Flower

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Selamat malam para blogger – blogger yang ada diluar sana, luar kamar, rumah, kampung , Negara ampe luar planet ( kali2 aja diluar pelanet Bumi ini ada blogspot nya juga he…), salam kenal aja dari ane. Ane baru buat blog nih….sebenernya sih ane udah ada beberapa blog di Blogspot tapi blog ane untuk mendukung kerjaan ane secara kerjaan ane gak jauh – jauh dari social networking ampe lupa ngurusin blog pribadi.

Pertama – tama sih bingung banget buat nentuin tema dari blog ini, yang udah ada diotak ane udah ada beberapa options:

  1. Cerita Anak Rantau (sial…udah ada yang punya…..gak jadi deh)
  2. Indonesian Story ( eh….udah ada juga, padahal pengen banget punya blog yang title nya kaya gini, mencerminkan cinta Negri sendiri gitu)
  3. My story (kalau dipikir2 narsis amat punya blog dengan judul yang kaya gini…..)
  4. nah…ni dia yang terakhir dan menjadi nama blog ane “MY INDONESIAN STORY” perpaduan dari semua ide2 yang ada di no1 ampe no 3

Ceritanya step2 pembuatan blog udah selesai, kalo ane jelasin semua disini kepanjangan sobat….singkat cerita aja deh My Indonesian Story udah siap diisi dengan cerita2 yang gak penting menurut sebagian orang dijagat Blogger ini, tapi menurut yang buat ni blog sih tetep hal ini penting banget.

Diawal cerita ane bingung mau nentuin title blog… nah giliran blog udah jadi bingung juga nentuin cerita yang bakal ane tulis untuk sebagai kata sambutan ane untuk para blogger2.Yah…jadi gini aja dah…..( eit….jangan di close dulu ya, ceritanya belum selesai teman…).

Sambutan dari sang punya blog

Selamat malem teman – teman, sobat – sobat, para blogger ( ane tulis ni sambutan emang dimalam hari, makanya selamat malem) perkenalkan ane new comer disini, baru belajar ngeblog alias masih amatir, tulisan ane juga masih berantakan gak jelas jengtrungannya, tapi ane pengen banget bisa share apa aja (segala macem cerita) ama sobat – sobat disini.Semoga kita bisa membina silaturahmi yang baik yak…..

Salam Sukses,
