Thursday, December 29, 2011

My resolution for 2012

People said year 2012 will be the end of life, means that dooms day will happen in this year. Believe it or not, but that’s what people said about the biggest thing will happen in 2012. For me I don’t want this prediction affect my life. I don’t really care with that.

Well, in 2012 I want better life in all cases (better work, have a good business, get BF :D and more mature). The thing that I really want is a camera. I want have one L! Today I visited someone’s blog. He has very interesting blog and writing, very simple, not much posting, easy to be read, and has very very beautiful picture.

His name is Andryo. He is account manager in Yahoo Sydney – wow that’s so cool man. I wish I have that kind of job too  L. He captured all his journey and traveling. Reading his blog I know he has been visited more than 20 countries – I am so jealous with him cos he already visited more than 20 countries while me L none! When he does something he always capture it and post it on his blog, and I want to do the same thing in 2012. So that’s why I have to buy camera this year! I have too!

Beside camera of course I have another resolution for 2012. I will write it tomorrow insyallah… J
Now I have to sleep cos my eyes getting very tired. Goodd nite… J

Kiss and Hug
Old lady finger 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Miss You

Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you

Hope Everything Will Be Fine

Now, I am so sad and worry. I am worry about him. I don't know what happened with him right now, whether he is ok or now, whether he has a good eat or not, has good sleep or not. I don't know anything :(
But i hope everything will be fine with him and his mom too :)

Just miss him so much now... :( waiting for his message :( i know Allah will protect him cos he is a good guy :)
"Ya Allah take care my baby and his family please"

Miss you....

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Salad

This is my dinner :D maklum anak kosan jadi makan malamnya cuma ini. Tapi cukup sehat kan ......

N & M

I got this on Nov 7, 2011 but i just write it now :) sorry baby...

Bye Mr. Super Clean :(

Suddenly i wanna write this nite..., i dont know why but i think its because i feel really not good this nite. I wanna share and talk to someone but i dont have. So the only way is writing on this blog.

I feel really not good now, i just fought with him :( i just wanna him grow up and forget me that's it. I dont want he spoiled his life to me :(.

Today we finish it all :( so sad but i am glad cos both me and him can move forward. I know i will miss him but its oke....hope he will find a good girl and forget me forever :)

Bye Mr. Super Clean .... :(
Will miss you ...:(

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Old Stufs from Facebook

I took these from my album on Facebook. Check these out...

My design using new laptop

Hand of Art





I am waiting you...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

After Hour Conversation

Time shown 17:00 Indonesia time, it means that i have to back home after spending my time in this lovely office.

Tuk...tik...tak...tik...tuk, sound of shoes. Yups she is my ex manager when i was in creative division. She came to me to ask me something about the job. After talking about the job, i said " i wanna quit!"

Looking at her expression. She shown me sad face, then she sit down beside me and talked heart to heart like we  always did :) Actually she already knew my problem and the reason i said "I wanna quit". She just gave me advice and listened to what i feel and think.

Seems i wanna cried when i talked to her and i knew she also wanna cried, i can see from her face :( She gave me best advice and i should try to listen her and implement what she said to me. I have to...

I don't care what the result is, i just wanna try to struggle for my right. That's it!

Hope everything i decide is the best decision for my life :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Back To Blogger

Finally I get back to Blogger... :)

Its already almost 4 months i have been forgetting this blog, sorry baby mammy forget you for while, but don't worry mammy is back now...hahaha....( sorry guys i think i get crazy now :D).

Well, today i just want to share little bit about my life so far. I have a good work - very good work huff...
Then my love story seems not very good because i have to let someone i love go for our goodness, then my friend is back... hahaha.... i miss talking with him :D.

But the most important thing i wanna share with all of you guys is i know new guys hahaha....
He is a nice, kinda of sweet guy, and what i like the most from him is because he is serious to know me better :). Emmm i hope we can be a good partner someday, insyallah....

And you know what i miss him so bad :( i miss to see him, miss to hear his lovely voice, miss his movement and i miss all about him. I wanna see him soonnnnn....

Bye.....:) muah.....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My New Business

Lately i study hard for my new business. My dad called me for about 2 days ago and informed that "you should try this one, Dad has new business for you. If you can run this business Dad will give you fund for this business, this is serious".

At first i didn't give any comment to my Dad cos i didn't know exactly what he said to me. Its new thing for me, and i never heard it before about Kopi Luwak. After my Dad told me about this kind of thing, directly i searched in Google. Well actually already 2 days i learn about this kind of business. First i search info for Kopi Luwak in Internet and i read all articles related to Kopi Luwak.

Kopi Luwak is one of the most expensive coffee in the entire world. Cos the taste and smell of Kopi Luwak looks different from common coffee sold in super market. Based on people who ever tried Kopi Luwak said that "Kopi Luwak has its own taste that make it different from the others - very erotic" actually i don't what they are saying cos honestly i never taste Kopi Luwak even i come from Lampung which Kopi Luwak produced.

After searching and reading and learning this coffee, i decide to make it serious to be my feature business. Now i am trying to find buyer from internet and make some proposals and sent it to some companies or cafe both in Jakarta and abroad.

I am really wishing that this business can run smoothly and become my real business. I have plan if this business can run smoothly i wanna make the plantation. actually i already ask my Dad to make the plantation for me but my Dad refuse it. He said "i wanna be focused to my business - he just made rubber plantation. Perhaps i can make it by my own later after i sell some kilograms Kopi Luwak.

God please help me....
I really wanna make this business become my feature income.
Please help me....please....amien...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

High Preasure on Head

Time shows at 1:44 on my computer, it's mean i am working now. Today is Happy Friday and tomorrow is my holiday. I am so glad that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are my time to chilling - Chilling :D.

Just finished my reading and finally my head feels so heavy. I think because to much pressure on my head. I just read some article on Google (Google is my best friend, my teacher and my information bank now) about Facebook Ad. you know I study hard for this because its related to my own job and i am quite interested with online marketing or whatever people said.

Now, I am studying how to make my facebook Ad works (has high CTR, Low CPC, High impression, much more click, and low spent). I have tried to find article or forum discussed about Facebook Ad in Bahasa, seems there is no content providing what I want. Yeah...perhaps only a few of people who know about this especially in Indonesia. So with half-laziness I try to find on Google with international discussion means that in English Oishhh....

You know my English is not that good thats why I am quite lazy to read English article, but I have to....:(. Finally I got some interesting articles discussed Facebook Ad. I read all those articles till I didn't use my lunch time only for my reading ( how stupid am I....). I just want to compare my Ad with other expert marketer. Does my Ad good enough? well after reading I found some fact that they (online marketer) not even better than me because I have better CTR and low spent, so I have done my job well.

Even, I have done my job well, but I am not satisfied enough with my work. Still need to push the price. My boss tell me " a good business is low cost and high profit" :P what ever boss.... I do it for my own good, I want to know more about this technique and I believe it will useful for me someday, I wish...:D

Blogging Before Sleeping

It's already at 12.00 in the mid night, and like usual I haven't sleep yet oishhh..._you know it's hard for me to sleep, I think I have problem with sleep at nite or perhaps kind of insomnia.

Trying to make writing on this blog companied with cheese craze uuuhhh :D taste good, oops I already brushed my teeth actually hiksss...well I don't care cos I love cheese so much muah...muah...muah, because sometimes I get kind of inspiration when its already 12.00 hehe...don't ask me why ok, cos I even don't know why :D

I like to write something about my daily, my feeling and my thought. Because sometimes I couldn't share out my thought or my feeling, so that's why I write in this blog.

Recently I have friend from India and he has been working in Afghanistan-conflict area for about 3 years, he said he like my blog. He read all contents, even though in Bahasa. He told me that I read ur blog by google translate hahaha...

He said I am talented and ask me to write more so he can read it. Well, don't worry about that cos I will update my blog when I have time to write. The problem is I don't have enough time to write because my job oishhhh...

Actually I have 2 blogs, one I shared to public and other is keeping private. Do you want to know where is the private one? this blog is the private one. If you find and read my blog don't tell to any body ok... I don't want everyone know what I am thinking and feeling by reading this blog.

Now I have to sleep, so I will write more later, of course if I am free hhee... So bye bye nite muah...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

State of Shock "Best I Ever Had"

Finally I have time to post writing in my blog….:D

Actually I little bit confuse what I have to write in my blog, perhaps I will write about new band that recently I heard the song.

The band is called State of Shock. i tried to find the information about the band from Google, finally I landed in Wikipedia. Wikipedia states that State of Shock is Canadian based band from Vancouver, British Columbia. The first album came out on June 2004 “Guilty by Association”.

I knew State of Shock from one of my cyber friend. He said to me try to listen this song by State of Shock, “Best I Ever Had”. Then I try to find it on Google. Since the first time I listened this song I love it so much. And the video is also fantastic. Over all I like this band.

Oops I forgot to tell my friend’s name who gives this song to me. Well his name is MS. Actually he is nice friend even sometimes he is very annoying. But I like him.

Back to the State of Shock, I just listen this song “Best I Ever Had”, and haven’t heard others song yet cos I am to busy at work and never have time to download others song from State of Shock.

At last, State of State is good band. I recommended listening its song…..

Enjoy your listening guys…

Thursday, May 19, 2011

An Indelible Message

Last nite, after working and bathing, one of old path called me. We talk a lot last nite like we did used to. He told me funny story and really he made me laugh. at 23.00 PM i said "i wanna sleep, i have to work tomorrow" he said "ok go sleep".

More than one hour I tried to sleep and closed my eyes, but I cant. I don't know why in fact I was very tired after work. Then one of thing that I have my BlackBerry and Nokia, I started to my message from him. I re-read all his message that I never erase from my in box. He sent me very beautiful message that made me cried when I re-read those message.

Those message made me cried, I miss him so bad!!! really miss him. I wish he is here with me....


Winning With People by John C. Maxwell adalah sebuh buku yang sangat menginspirasi saya. Walaupun belum selesai membaca habis buku ini tapi saya sudah dapat menyimpulkan bahwa buku ini memang sangat berkualitas.

Pada dasarnya buku ini membahas tentang prinsip - prinsip hubungan yang efektif dengan orang lain. Bagaimana kita mempertahankan hubungan dengan orang lain yang sehat, karena cara kita mempertahankan hubungan dengan orang lain merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjadi orang sukses dalam setiap aspek kehidupan.

Salah satu bab yang paling saya suka adalah "Siapa Diri Kita Menentukan Bagaimana Kita Memandang Orang Lain". Sebenarnya semua kesuksesan itu besasal dari bagaimana kita membina hubungan dengan orang lain tentu saja dalam hal yang positif. Lingkungan juga merupakan hal yang penting dalam kesuksesan. Kalau kita dikelilingi dengan orang - orang yang hebat, tentu saja kita akan perfikir dan bertindak selayaknya orang hebat. Dan sebaliknya jika kita berada pada lingkungan orang-orang yang tidak baik, ya mau tidak mau sikap kita pun seperti orang tidak baik.

Ada beberapa poin yang saya suka dari buku ini:
  1. Kesiapan: APakah kita siap untuk memiliki hubungan dengan orang lain?
  2. Hubungan: Apakah kita bersedia berfokus pada orang lain?
  3. Kepercayaan: Bisakah kita membangun kepercayaan satu sama lain?
  4. Investasi: Apakah Kita bersedia berinvestasi kepada orang lain?
  5. Sinergi: Bisakah kita membangun hubungan menang-menang?

Saya coba untuk merenungkan dan menjawab pertanyaan ini.

  1. Saya siap
  2. Saya siap
  3. Saya bisa
  4. Saya bersedia
  5. Saya belum tau
Maxwell mengatakan bahwa, jika kita bisa menjawab pertanyaan ini dan memperatikannya dengan cara yang positif maka Anda akan berhasil membangun hubungan yang sehat dan efektif. Sebagai hasil dari hubungan ini adalah kesuksesan.

Kalau menurut saya, memang benar pernyataan diatas. Dengan siapa pun kita membangun hubungan secara positif pasti hasilnya juga akan positif. Dan saya juga mempunyai prinsip hidup>>>

"Saya melakukan hal baik hari ini, maka saya akan mendapatkan hasil yang baik mungkin hari ini, besok, lusa, 1 minggu kemudian, atau dalam waktu yang lama. Tetapi saya percaya hal baik itu akan datang kepada saya. Dan saya tidak merasa rugi jika saya harus menunggu hal baik itu akan datang kepada saya dalam waktu yang lama. Toh tidak ada salahnya kita menunggu kebaikan, ya kan?"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

He is Back

He is back, last nite when i want to sleep, I checked my blackberry and opened Facebook. I saw new message on Facebook. I read "Amu Fabregas" eemmm never know this name before. So I opened the message>>>>

"maYang,, ni Okta... knapa qm block gw... ni FB temen gw... gw lg d Jakarta sekarang..... jgn d blokir gw donk... plese"

Evidently this message was sent by Okta, special one in my past. I quite surprise read his message cos I never thought before that he will send me message. what I amazed Is he wrote "Plese = Please" he never told me this word before, never!!! He asked me to unlock his Facebook, and I replay him>>>>

"Gak ngeblog kok, km yg kayanya blog fb gw."

Well I was wrong, cos I checked it today and I definitely blocked his FB. Then I unlock him.

He told me that he is in Jakarta now. I don't know what he is doing here, perhaps related to his job or what ever. Ya I just can say hope everything he does will run smoothly and he gets the best!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Baby

My baby, I don't want to lose you, I really don't want! U have been accompanying me for almost 6 years and its really hard for me to let u go :(

U are the only true friend for me. When I need you u always there, u are ready for me. U know everything about me, u know all my secrets cos I always tell u.

And now its time for me to let you go :( its really hard for me believe me! Even through I already have new friend which is more ok than you but my heart is always for you.

U will have new friend there, she will loves u like I did. U can help her if she needs ur help, u can play with her when she needs entertainment. Perhaps she will share all about her feeling to u when she needs friend to share.

I hope ur new friend will not make many changing to you. I hope u always be the way you are like the first time I saw you, hold you and cleaned every part of your beautiful body. And the most important thing is u will survive till I getting old and I promise I will visit to see u, my baby.....

Good bye my baby, take care, love you always.

Love you my baby, WEARNES...

Green Table

Why I write Green Table for the little? Because in this house we have green table in the kitchen and we always sit and talk there.

This nite one of my friend share her feeling to us. She is in confusing situation now. Its about her job. She said she want to look for another job. I said why? "He paid me very lower". I said "ok its about salary".

I asked her "do u really want to move?" She said yes. I just told her my story when I came to Jakarta for the first time. I said to her "he paid me lower than he paid u. So don't be sad and worry. God knows everything, he will help u when u need it. I can say that cos I have been true this situation and God really help me!"

I give her suggestion, I told her everything I know and she listened me. I wish what I said to her can help her, amien!

Its so much fun when u can help people and make them feel better. And I can feel it this nite. Hope God always give me change to do good things for human being. I know by doing good things for others, makes my life more meaningful :D

Thursday, April 14, 2011

No eyes

I can not sleep this nite, in fact its already 00.00. Laying on bed, holding my phone, thinking of someone *actually I am thinking of 2 guys at the same times*, and the last I decide to write something in my blog.

I think gadget can make someone has little time to sleep, and that's true. I always start to sleep when its already 00.00 at nite.

Almost 3 weeks I have friend *actually I don't know what kind of relation we have* who have been calling me every nite. He has been living in Australia almost 4 years. When I asked him "what do u do in Ausi? He said "I am working here and have plan to study here too". He is a nice and good guy, I can say that cos I feel so good when I talk to him.

Since we talked at the first time, I feel so comfortable and enjoy talking with him. And I think he felt the same too like I did. We talk about everything, share about everything, and no secret between us *thats what we have committed*

After 3 days we talk on phone, he asked me "do u like me? And I said " yes I like u, u are a nice guy" then he said to me " I mean do u love me? And I said "yes". I don't know why I said yes at that time, perhaps I didn't want loose this good guy, if I said no may be he will leave me. And no one will talk to me anymore on phone. That's what I was thinking so that's why I said yes to him.

After I said yes, then he said " oke now u are my girl" and I said ok. So this relationship have been running till now. I feel glad that I know him, I don't know why may be he is my *true friend*

Then we act like a couple, care each other, share about everything, sometimes I feel so jealous, miSs him, sometimes also he can be annoying person and so on. Someday when we talk on phone he asked me again " do u love me? I said "yes". He said he trust me," now I want build *heart connection* with u. I want u know what I feel, what I think and vice versa" and I said yes...

So now we are in the first step *building heart connection*

To be continued***

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Bali I am Coming...

After discussing with the girls and finally we decided we will visit Bali on August after Eid Mubarak 2011.

Sitting together in living room, we planed all the things "we have to go to Bali this year". The plan is we just want to have fun in Bali. Forget all the things like our job, our problem and all...

But we have to collect our money first for this plan. We planed to collect 500rb per month from our salary, so at least we already keep our money as additional fee to go to Bali.

Hope what we discussed today will come true on the day...:D
And can't wait to be there...

Bali I am coming....
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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Night

It's raining now...
Nothing much I can do in this situation, just spend my time by watching TV and alone...

First I watched Mario Teguh show, then I watched American idol and Show Buzz, and now I am watching

Sometimes I feel comfortable with loneliness, no body else in my room except me my self. I can do what ever I want without interrupting. But in some case I hate loneliness...I think it's natural for human.

Talking about loneliness, I will never ending for me. I have been through this kinda of situation almost 4 years. Almost 4 years don't have someone special who can talk to me every time I need him, who calls me and ask babe are u ok? And now I really miss that :D. I think this the time to get up and make some noises out there!!!

I don't know what happened with me actually...its really hard for me to open my heart for someone, at least to let them come into and introduce themselves to me. But I hope I can change it start from now, to be more open to them...

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Handwriting

Look at the pictures...I have my own style in writing so do you...
Used to when I was at school everyday I use my hand to write something, to do my homework, made assignment, made graffiti, made some drawings and more....

But now mostly I use keyboard (computer and Blackbery) to type something like make some articles and something that related to my job...

People said, u can know someone personality by seeing his/her handwriting...
I don't know whether it is right or not...
I only know if someone always change his handwriting style means that he is still unstable person...So what do you think?

Well, from those pictures I have different style in writing, so it's mean I am unstable one....emmm...perhaps YES and perhaps NO. But actually I like to change my handwriting because I want make something beautifully- I like art. I can make drawing and make handicraft and so on related to art.

Writing something i like can make me happy, like i did with those picture :D

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bonfire @ Peak

I took this picture while I was at Peak - Bandung on my holiday with some friends from Golden Expressindo. We have fun at that time and I saw what a beautiful bonfire, so I took this picture when all friends prepared to go out from Peak.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My First Posting Through Mobile

Looked at someone blog, she is gorgeous lady. I really love her blog "ladyflashback". Now I just to try by posting through my mobile, so no need to open mu PC anymore. I can write it if I want to sleep or if I meet something unique on the road or something.

Let's see if this run well or not...
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Monday, March 7, 2011

Good Bye SMS from Ken

He sent me SMS
"Thanks for everything..event just
for a moment..Hope
have a wonderful

It means he sent me good bye SMS.

Sorry for being rude to you, i don't want to be rude to you but i think i already hurt you. I am really sorry.

And you know what, I've been keeping my promise to pray for ur life.
I hope u will be happy more than me and Vin Diesel. Bye...