Thursday, December 29, 2011

My resolution for 2012

People said year 2012 will be the end of life, means that dooms day will happen in this year. Believe it or not, but that’s what people said about the biggest thing will happen in 2012. For me I don’t want this prediction affect my life. I don’t really care with that.

Well, in 2012 I want better life in all cases (better work, have a good business, get BF :D and more mature). The thing that I really want is a camera. I want have one L! Today I visited someone’s blog. He has very interesting blog and writing, very simple, not much posting, easy to be read, and has very very beautiful picture.

His name is Andryo. He is account manager in Yahoo Sydney – wow that’s so cool man. I wish I have that kind of job too  L. He captured all his journey and traveling. Reading his blog I know he has been visited more than 20 countries – I am so jealous with him cos he already visited more than 20 countries while me L none! When he does something he always capture it and post it on his blog, and I want to do the same thing in 2012. So that’s why I have to buy camera this year! I have too!

Beside camera of course I have another resolution for 2012. I will write it tomorrow insyallah… J
Now I have to sleep cos my eyes getting very tired. Goodd nite… J

Kiss and Hug
Old lady finger