Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ketemu Lagi dengan Bule Itu

Ha.....Ketemu lagi ama rombongan bulay - bulay.
Gak nyangka hari ini ketemu lagi ama bulay - bulay Wisma 77 :D
ditempat yang sama dan jam yang sama

sempet ngobrol2 sebentar ama tuh bulay
salah satu bulay nanya ke gw " do you still with ur boy friend?"
dia tanya gw kaya gt karena kemaren pas ketemu dia tanya gw "lu udah punya pacar?"
gw bilang aja ada hay ....hay.....hay....:D boong gw

td sih gw jawab aja "yes, i am still with my boyfriend :D"
seru juga ngobrol ama mereka, mereka menyenagkan....
yah lumayan buat practice my English....

Hope i can meet them again so i can practice my English more.......

Seee you bulay - bulay.....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fanbox's Friend

Open my e-mail "Your Friend had uploaded new picture"
Then i go to the link and see those pictures. Then i move to my own profile and i see a picture, good looking guy...
Well he is my best friend.....

Actually It's already long time ago i didn't open my Fanbox profile. Quite miss it...
I miss all friends there : David Brown, Muhamad Syafni, and all

David Brown is the best dude in Fanbox. I really like him so much because he is funny guy and the most GOKIL guy ever.

Fanbox was the place we meet for the first time 3,5 years ago. And from Fanbox we become really good friend till now. I miss you dude...
I miss our conversation, joking, fighting, yelling, all activities with you....

Hope we can be like we used to for FUN!!!!!>>>>>>>
I am waiting.......!!!
And please come back sometimes to see me ok :D

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thank You Friend.....


I = nspire warmth
L = isten to each other
O = pen your heart
V = alue your union
E = xpress your trust

Y = ield to good sense
O = overlook mistakes
U = ndestand differences

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bautiful Eye

I take this picture from one of friend profile in Tagged.
He is cute guy and nice to me.
He doesn't know i took his picture. And please don't tell to him ok ....sutttt.....sutttt

I just love this eye....


Look at this picture...
Looks so sweet....
And i love the view too

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

SBY Menyerahkan Kasus Gayus Kepada Budhiyono

Korupsi lagi ... korupsi lagi....Ah...bosen dengar kata-kata ini.
Ya tapi inilah yang terjadi di Indonesia dari jaman dulu sampai sekarang.
Kasus Century gak ada kabar, bak hilang ditelan bumi. Sedangkan kasus Gayus emmm....gak tau kenapa sama penegak hukum dan kawan-kawan nya.

Pagi ini Denger + melihat berita di Metro TV " SBY menyerahkan kasus Gayus kepada Budhiyono"WHAT!!!!! cuci tangan lagi!!!
Seharusnya ini adalah kesempatan untuk SBY membersihkan namanya yang sudah tidak bersinar lagi. Kalau saja SBY lebih tegas dalam menyelesaikan kasus-kasus korupsi di Indonesia, maka yakin deh...orang mau melakukan korupsi pada takut!!!

Ada apa dengan polisi ya???
Gayus sudah bernyanyi siapa saja yang terlibat dalam kasus korupsi ini, bukti juga sudah ada, tapi kenapa gak di proses2 ya???
Emang polisi mentalnya sudah babak belur. Gak bisa lagi memperbaiki image nya. KOTOR!!!

My Hug

I give my hug to all people I loved.
My Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, all cousins, all aunts, all uncles,
All friends, someone out site there who always listen to me, who always ready to talk to me.

I love you so much....
Believe me i love you so much...

Saturday, January 15, 2011


This is what I was doing on Saturday,
I was trying to find new view to read the book which I borrowed from friend.
I read it in Pizza Hut zone.
The tittle of the book " Si Cacing dan Kotoran Kesayangannya" by Ajahn Brahm
I already read about 20 pages, I can tell that this book really good to be read. I recommended this book.

One of the sub tittle is " True Love". This part was really touching me, I almost cried when I read this. Reading this part remember me to someone. Someone who always I want to talk with, someone who always be here when I need him, someone who really understand me, someone who always know what I want, what I think, even I never say to him. Yeah he is the best I ever have.....:(

"Cinta sejati adalah cinta yang tidak mementingkan diri sendiri. Pikirkanlah pasangan Anda. Bayangkan wajahnya dibenak Anda kenanglah hari Anda bertemu dengan nyadan saat-saat indah bersamanya. Sekarng bayangkan Anda menerima sepucuk surat dari pasangan Anda. Surat itu memberitahukan bahwa si dia telah jatuh cinta dengan sahabat Anda dan telah menikah dengan Sahabat Anda. Bagai mana perasaan Anda?

Jika cinta Anda adalah cintta sejati maka Anda akan tegar bahwa pasangan Anda telah menemukan orang yang lebih baik dari pada Anda. Dan bahkan sekarang dia lebih bahagia. Anda akan merasa gembira karena Anda melihat mereka berdua bahagia hidup bersama" itulah cinta sejati......."

That was the quotation. You will feel happy when someone you loved marry your best friend and when you know they are happy" that's true love!

I ever feel this kind of feeling. I said to him I am happy for you and congratulation for your wedding plan. Take care her. Is it true love? I don't know....

I believe me and him have the same feeling, the same thinking, the same taste, almost all the same. But some reasons make us "Ok, it will not work".

We just make it lost in the air. That's it....
I think what we think is about maturity, between me and him.

And now we just support each other. And that's enough for me. And I know it's enough for him too. WE ARE STILL GOOD-that's the most important thing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

No Heart Left

You see me coming your way
But you do not want to be
Seen with me
I am a sidgrace you say
But why you keep calling
Me back

I can not let this go on
i must put an end to it
You say you love me
So show me that love

You have hurten me before
But this time it will be
Because i have no heart left
for you to break.....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

I got this video from Thank for sending me this video. This video really inspired me a lot. Sometimes i cry hearing what Steve Jobs said. It was touching and sometimes i compare what he said to what i experienced and i got some similarities from his speech.

This video shows Steve Jobs speech for Stanford University graduation. He told us 3 stories:

1. Connecting the dots
2. Lost and love
3. Death

This is one of the most inspirational speeches I have ever heard. Mr.Jobs is not only a leader in the technological industry but also a inspirational leader. i believe name of Steve Jobs will be remembered for many decades.

Some of comments said that this story is not Steve Jobs at all. Some hate him and some love him. Please take a look at this comment

"After having read his biography I must say that he might have not been the same Steve like we all know him, if he would have gone through the kind of thread mill like a university education like for example other engineers did. But being an engineer myself I must say he is an engineers engineer and not only that he is a true innovator and he is one of the most inspiring and most influential people of our time. For some people the touch UI and the App store was maybe a foolish thing but it seems that most people where wrong and they are now the real fools. But I know that Steve is also a quite controversial person. Some like and some don t like him at all. But despite the later I wish him all the best. His speech reminded me of Randy Pauschs speech. A man whose dead came too soon.

If you have ever seen his speech (The Last Lecture), he gave in his very own very special way some advices for peoples careers/lifes as well. Unfortunately he was not as lucky as Steve. RIP Randy"

Well in my point of view, he is still inspiring man. Every one has their own sight and everyone has right to say what they want and it's ok. But after watching and hearing this video, there are some lessons that i can take and learn for my self so i can be better person in the feature.

"Keep looking, don’t settle. . .Do what you love. . .! ! !

"Your time is limited. Dont spend your time living someone else...!!!

"Keep looking, don't settle." Follow your heart. It sures knows your destination...!!!

"Stay foolish, people are always thinking they are right about everything, being foolish will definitely help us learning things"

For Steve Jobs video please visit

Monday, January 3, 2011

What's going on with INDONESIA

What's going on with Indonesia? Itulah pertanyaan yang sangat pas untuk Bangsa tercinta ku ini sekarang.

Sesuai dengan tajuk Media Indonesia hari ini yang bertanya-tanya apa yang sedang dipikirkan oleh para penguasa Bangsa saat ini. Begitu banyaknya bencana yang terjadi di seluruh bagian wilayah Indonesia, ternyata belum juga bisa membuat para penguasa sadar. Bahkan yang lebih parahnya lagi mereka sudah menyusun rencana picik untuk pertarungan di tahun 2014.

Sempat tertawa saat menyaksikan Media Indonesia pagi ini yang membahas tentang Capres 2014 "hey man what the hell are thinking guys". Kutipan itulah yang sempat terlontar dari mulut ku. Mungkin orang yang tidak mempunyai pendidikan tinggi seperti para penguasa yang duduk dikursi empuk itu pun akan tertawa dan tidak habis pikir atas apa yang mereka lakukan. Ya tapi inilah Indonesia, mau apa lagi?...Entah merasa bangga atau merasa malu karena moral petinggi yang sangat bobrok.

Tiga partai terbesar dibumi pertiwi ini telah mendesas-desuskan keseluruh telinga rakyat bahwa mereka sudah mempunyai jagoan untuk pertarungan 2014. Demokrat menjagokan Ani Yudoyono. Seluruh masyarakat Indonesia juga tahu bahwa beliau adalah istri dari Bapak Bambang Susilo Hudoyono yang nota band nya president Indonesia saat ini. Kualifikasi seperti apakah yang pantas untuk menjadi president Indonesia? pertanyaan inilah yang selalu terlintas di benak seorang hamba seperti diri ku. Hal apa yang bisa dilihat dari seorang Ani Yudoyono? Hay...penguasa jangan ikut-ikutan politik luar Negeri. Ingat Hillary Clinton berbeda dengan Ani Yodoyono. Oh...mungkin saja partai demokrat mau mengubah demokrasi Indonesia menjadi monarki? Setelah Bapak Bambang Hudoyono, kemudian mencalonkan Ibu Ani Yudoyono, dan tidak menutup kemungkinan juga Anak dari darah Yudoyono akan di calonkan juga. Wha....whaa...cape deh...

Kemudian dari kubu Golkar menjagokan Bung Ical (Aburizal Bakrie). Bung Ical...Bung Ical, apa kabar ya dengan kasus lumpur lapindo? Apakah sudah teratasi atau bahkan terlupakan? emm...Indonesia Anda harus berpikir 1000x untuk memilih Bung Ical.

Sedangkan dari kubu PDIP menjagokan Puan Maharani. Siapakah Puan Maharani? Coba tanya kepada omm Google...!

Sudah menjadi hak setiap warga Negara Indonesia untuk mencalonkan diri sebagai Pemimpin di bumi pertiwi ini. Tapi mohon untuk serius sedikitlah para pemimpin....masih banyak waktu untuk menuju 2014. Cobalah untuk lebih memikirkan hal-hal yang lebih besar. Kasus Gayus! Bank Century!, Lumpur Lapindo! Korban Merapi! masih banyak hal lain yang lebih besar ketimbang hanya untuk memikirkan Capres 2014. Terlalu dini untuk membicarakan Capres 2014.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lunch in the basement

Having lunch with some friends sometimes can make me feel so good. Sometime we talk about job, personal life and everything that we couldn't talked in working area. Suddenly i talked to one of my friend " how much ticket price to UK?" he said "around 300 bucks"

I said Ok, and continuing my lunch. I was thinking that it's quite Ok price for me.
And he asked me " What happened? u want to go to UK for holiday?.

I just shake my head " No....just got job offer there."
"Well that's good" he said.

Yeah perhaps....
But i have to think it over, over and over again.
And he suggests me to take an offer "Don't miss it"

Hari Pertama Ngantor di Tahun 2011


I think it is the best words to describe the condition right now.
Seem everyone looks so happy and exited in first day working in 2011 but now with me. I feel so unspiritful and afraid. why this is happened to me? Tanya kenapa....

Well, there are so many things to do in first quarter (January - March).
I don't know whether i can through this or not but i hope i can through all the things with my team.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

True Love

There are a boy and a girl.
They are become friend since they were kids.
They grow up together.
As teenager they feel something in their heart.
They love each other but no one of them say that.

Time goes by and they are still friend.
Talk together, play together, have fun together, laugh together, cry together.
They love each other but still no one of them say that.

Someday the girl said " He asked me to be his girl friend"
The boy said "I am happy for you"

The boy gives her hug
The girl cries in his hug and said "We are still friend right?"
The boy said " I always be your friend forever"

The boy walks away " I just want to say i love you my friend"
2 yards in the back the girl is still standing there " I wish you say that to me"

" True love is when 2 people know everything about each other and they are still friend"

Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower

7 Secrets of Success

7 Secrets of Success based on my version:

I found the answer in own my room :

When i saw :

1. Book said : read more
2. Fan said : Be cool
3. Clock said : Every minute is precious
4. Mirror said : Reflect before you act
5. Window said : See the world
6. Calender said : Be up-to-date
7. Door said: Push hard to active your goals

Lunch on 1st January, 2011

My lunch on 1st January, 2011
Salad and Milk Cream
Yummy .....
And these foods made my stomach full of .......