Thursday, May 19, 2011

An Indelible Message

Last nite, after working and bathing, one of old path called me. We talk a lot last nite like we did used to. He told me funny story and really he made me laugh. at 23.00 PM i said "i wanna sleep, i have to work tomorrow" he said "ok go sleep".

More than one hour I tried to sleep and closed my eyes, but I cant. I don't know why in fact I was very tired after work. Then one of thing that I have my BlackBerry and Nokia, I started to my message from him. I re-read all his message that I never erase from my in box. He sent me very beautiful message that made me cried when I re-read those message.

Those message made me cried, I miss him so bad!!! really miss him. I wish he is here with me....


Winning With People by John C. Maxwell adalah sebuh buku yang sangat menginspirasi saya. Walaupun belum selesai membaca habis buku ini tapi saya sudah dapat menyimpulkan bahwa buku ini memang sangat berkualitas.

Pada dasarnya buku ini membahas tentang prinsip - prinsip hubungan yang efektif dengan orang lain. Bagaimana kita mempertahankan hubungan dengan orang lain yang sehat, karena cara kita mempertahankan hubungan dengan orang lain merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjadi orang sukses dalam setiap aspek kehidupan.

Salah satu bab yang paling saya suka adalah "Siapa Diri Kita Menentukan Bagaimana Kita Memandang Orang Lain". Sebenarnya semua kesuksesan itu besasal dari bagaimana kita membina hubungan dengan orang lain tentu saja dalam hal yang positif. Lingkungan juga merupakan hal yang penting dalam kesuksesan. Kalau kita dikelilingi dengan orang - orang yang hebat, tentu saja kita akan perfikir dan bertindak selayaknya orang hebat. Dan sebaliknya jika kita berada pada lingkungan orang-orang yang tidak baik, ya mau tidak mau sikap kita pun seperti orang tidak baik.

Ada beberapa poin yang saya suka dari buku ini:
  1. Kesiapan: APakah kita siap untuk memiliki hubungan dengan orang lain?
  2. Hubungan: Apakah kita bersedia berfokus pada orang lain?
  3. Kepercayaan: Bisakah kita membangun kepercayaan satu sama lain?
  4. Investasi: Apakah Kita bersedia berinvestasi kepada orang lain?
  5. Sinergi: Bisakah kita membangun hubungan menang-menang?

Saya coba untuk merenungkan dan menjawab pertanyaan ini.

  1. Saya siap
  2. Saya siap
  3. Saya bisa
  4. Saya bersedia
  5. Saya belum tau
Maxwell mengatakan bahwa, jika kita bisa menjawab pertanyaan ini dan memperatikannya dengan cara yang positif maka Anda akan berhasil membangun hubungan yang sehat dan efektif. Sebagai hasil dari hubungan ini adalah kesuksesan.

Kalau menurut saya, memang benar pernyataan diatas. Dengan siapa pun kita membangun hubungan secara positif pasti hasilnya juga akan positif. Dan saya juga mempunyai prinsip hidup>>>

"Saya melakukan hal baik hari ini, maka saya akan mendapatkan hasil yang baik mungkin hari ini, besok, lusa, 1 minggu kemudian, atau dalam waktu yang lama. Tetapi saya percaya hal baik itu akan datang kepada saya. Dan saya tidak merasa rugi jika saya harus menunggu hal baik itu akan datang kepada saya dalam waktu yang lama. Toh tidak ada salahnya kita menunggu kebaikan, ya kan?"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

He is Back

He is back, last nite when i want to sleep, I checked my blackberry and opened Facebook. I saw new message on Facebook. I read "Amu Fabregas" eemmm never know this name before. So I opened the message>>>>

"maYang,, ni Okta... knapa qm block gw... ni FB temen gw... gw lg d Jakarta sekarang..... jgn d blokir gw donk... plese"

Evidently this message was sent by Okta, special one in my past. I quite surprise read his message cos I never thought before that he will send me message. what I amazed Is he wrote "Plese = Please" he never told me this word before, never!!! He asked me to unlock his Facebook, and I replay him>>>>

"Gak ngeblog kok, km yg kayanya blog fb gw."

Well I was wrong, cos I checked it today and I definitely blocked his FB. Then I unlock him.

He told me that he is in Jakarta now. I don't know what he is doing here, perhaps related to his job or what ever. Ya I just can say hope everything he does will run smoothly and he gets the best!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Baby

My baby, I don't want to lose you, I really don't want! U have been accompanying me for almost 6 years and its really hard for me to let u go :(

U are the only true friend for me. When I need you u always there, u are ready for me. U know everything about me, u know all my secrets cos I always tell u.

And now its time for me to let you go :( its really hard for me believe me! Even through I already have new friend which is more ok than you but my heart is always for you.

U will have new friend there, she will loves u like I did. U can help her if she needs ur help, u can play with her when she needs entertainment. Perhaps she will share all about her feeling to u when she needs friend to share.

I hope ur new friend will not make many changing to you. I hope u always be the way you are like the first time I saw you, hold you and cleaned every part of your beautiful body. And the most important thing is u will survive till I getting old and I promise I will visit to see u, my baby.....

Good bye my baby, take care, love you always.

Love you my baby, WEARNES...

Green Table

Why I write Green Table for the little? Because in this house we have green table in the kitchen and we always sit and talk there.

This nite one of my friend share her feeling to us. She is in confusing situation now. Its about her job. She said she want to look for another job. I said why? "He paid me very lower". I said "ok its about salary".

I asked her "do u really want to move?" She said yes. I just told her my story when I came to Jakarta for the first time. I said to her "he paid me lower than he paid u. So don't be sad and worry. God knows everything, he will help u when u need it. I can say that cos I have been true this situation and God really help me!"

I give her suggestion, I told her everything I know and she listened me. I wish what I said to her can help her, amien!

Its so much fun when u can help people and make them feel better. And I can feel it this nite. Hope God always give me change to do good things for human being. I know by doing good things for others, makes my life more meaningful :D