Sunday, September 5, 2010

Letter to God

If I say "Letter to God" what is in your mind guys?
Letter to God is a movie I watched yesterday, touching and inspiring movie. Actually this is story about 8 years old boy struggling for his cancer.

He writes a lot of letters addressed to God, he writes his pain, his illness, his mom, his friends-all what he is feeling. What I am amazed is he is wonderful young boy, softhearted, kind, and lovely boy. Even, he is suffering but he still can smile to all people and kind to them.

Actually this movie, remember me to a young boy which I saw in Operah Winfrey Show. I don’t know his real name but he has the same story with this movie. I cried when I saw this boy in Opera Winfrey Show, man… he is just a little boy but what he thought and he felt just like a maestro, he is gorgeous boy.

He valued all the things he has, his time to live, his family to love him, even his illness. Yeah…in a few months later, Operah showed his funeral in her show. Actually I know he would not survive, but at least he inspired all people a round the globe including me to value what we have.

Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower

Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 H

Dear All,

Sudah lama rasanya enggak nulis sesuatu diblog ini, berawal dari checking2 semua blog gw, gw baru inget blog yang tersembunyi ini udah lama gak di-Update. Berhubung bentar lagi mau lebaran, so i decided to make a note about LEBARAN day.

Gak sabar rasanya mau cepet2 pulang kekampung halaman. Rasanya udah kangen banget ama rumah, bonyok, bro and sist, kucing2 gw, pokoknya semuanya termasuk environment disana. Hari ini nyokap baru aja telp gw " kapan pulangnya? cepet2 lah pulang tolongin mami di salon". Kebetulan mami punya beauty shop yang kalau mendekati lebaran pasti rame banget, so she needs me there to help her. But i can't go home now, secara gw baru dapet libur tanggal 9, malangnya nasib ku...

Gw punya friend di kantor yang baik banget, dari awal gw masuk jadi member Jobsdb, dia sudah memperlakukan gw dengan baik banget. Kebetulan gw ama dia satu kampung halaman, so she offers me to back home with her and her kids. Gw seneng banget waktu dia bilang "bareng gw aja pulangnya", gw gak mau nolak rezeki i said "with my pleasure". Jadi deh kita mudik bareng.

Harapan gw sih bisa pulang dengan selamat, gak ada rintangan yang berarti diperjalanan nantinya. wish me luck guys......

Kiss and Hug
Lazy Flower